7 October 2012


Fedora 18 XFCE 4.10 - Application Finder

After using XCFE 4.10 in Fedora 18 for a while, I will make some post about how to use some of the great stuff in the latest XFCE release.
This post is about the application finder.

Application Finder

Pressing 'Alt - F2' will show the Application Finder

You can press Arrow Down to expand the Application Finder and show application categories installed on the system.

If you type something it will show the matching program in the left side. If you press Arrow Down  then the cursor will switch to the column of matching application, pressing Enter will launch the selected app.

You can also press Alt - F3  and the Application Finder will open in expanded mode.

There is a number of custom actions defined out of the box.

#command will open a terminal and show the man page for command.

!command will open a terminal and run command, the terminal will close when the command is executed.

!w some text will open the default web browser and search on Wikipedia for some text

http://google.com will open the URL in the default web browser.

If you press Preferences and the Custom Actions tab, you can add your own actions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hello, how is the name of the theme?

    1. It is the Zukitwo theme


